Testoxyl Propionate 100 is an injectable anabolic steroid which comes in 10 mL vials and contains 100 mg of Testosterone Propionate, it is an original brand product of Kalpa Pharmaceuticals. For intramuscular injections. An excellent product for a cutting cycle.
TESTOXYL PROPIONATE is the propionate ester of the male hormone produced by the famous Indian company Kalpa Pharmaceuticals. All testosterone esters are very popular among athletes and propionate is no exception. Learn about Testoxyl Propionate and its properties.
Testoxyl Propionate Reviews
Testosterone propionate is completely identical to endogenous male hormone and the only difference is the duration of exposure into the body. Natural testosterone is released into the blood every couple of hours, and propionate works for about two days.
In the rest they are exactly the same. For this reason, women should not use Testoxyl Propionate, but beginners can buy propionate for their first cycle of AAS.
- Testoxyl Propionate 100
This drug is used for hormone therapy and for this reason propionate in a pharmacy can be purchased. However, it is much easier to do it in specialized online stores, where you will not be asked for a prescription. Since Testoxyl Propionate has the same structure as the natural male hormone, the effects of the drug will be similar.
Note the important effects of Testoxyl Propionate:
- Rapid gain of muscular mass;
- The processes of recovery of the organism after intensive training sessions proceed much faster;
- Libido increases;
- When using a low-calorie nutrition program, a pronounced fat burning effect is observed;
- Has a positive effect on ligaments and joints, which is very important when working with large weights.
Testoxyl Propionate Lab Test Results
- Ttestoxyl Propionate Lab Test Result > 102.7 mg
The average testosterone propionate cycle lasts six to ten weeks. During the week, 150 to 1000 milligrams of Testoxyl Propionate should be used. Thus the maximum dosages will be justified only for experienced athletes, and beginners should use dosages close to the minimum. You can use a solo propionate cycle, but a greater result can be obtained from combinations with other AAS.
Very effective use of Testoxyl Propionate with Turinabol and Winstrol for building a dry muscle mass and cutting. If your goal is to set the maximum gain of muscles, then Testoxyl Propionate should be combined with Boldenone.
Post-Cycle Therapy
Since this drug is strongly aromatized, during the course should be kept ready for aromatase inhibitors. Also, for long and difficult cycles, it makes sense to use gonadotropin into the cycle, since propionate reduces the synthesis of endogenous male hormone.
To carry out restorative therapy, you will need to choose one of two drugs: tamoxifen or clomid. They should be applied according to the standard procedure within two or three weeks. During this period, it is advisable to take tests to monitor the progress of recovery.