Cypionat 250 is an injectable anabolic steroid which comes in 10 mL vials and contains 250 mg of Testosterone Cypionate, it is an original brand product of Dragon Pharma. For intramuscular injections.
Cypionat 250 produced by Dragon Pharma is used by athletes in courses to improve physical fitness and accelerated muscle growth. This is one of the few drugs that are characterized by high anabolic and androgenic activity. The main active ingredient of this steroid corresponds to endogenous testosterone cypionate, thereby producing a similar effect.
Western athletes were the first to experience the effectiveness of the drug. In Europe, athletes prefer to use Enantat 250 instead of this drug, despite the slight differences between them. In their reviews, athletes note the high effectiveness of the drug in the course of gaining muscle mass.
- Cypionat 250
In just one cycle using this drug, the athlete manages to obtain the following results:
- Indicators of strength and level of physical fitness increase;
- The components of the steroid fight inflammatory processes of the articular-ligamentous apparatus;
- The level of erythrocytes rises;
- Cells receive the required amount of oxygen and nutrients by increasing blood flow;
- Endurance increases and motivation for training appears.
These are not all the positive effects that can be achieved with the use of this steroid. But, in addition to the positive results, this drug can also cause side effects. These unpleasant moments are associated with the high anabolic and androgenic activity of the drug. Of course, the development of side effects can be minimized or even avoided by taking the drug in accordance with the prescriptions of a specialist. In other cases, the athlete must be prepared for the manifestation of estrogen-type side effects.
It is recommended to take this drug from 0.25 to 0.75 grams per week. The duration of admission should not be more than 1.5-2 months. Timely usage of aromatase inhibitors will avoid gynecomastia. At the end of the cycle, PCT is mandatory.
Cypionat 250 Lab Test Results
- Cypionat 250 Lab Test Result > 260.2 mg
To buy Dragon Pharma Cypionat 250 profitably, you just need to visit their online store. Price level for Cypionat 250 is lower than that of competitors, directly from the manufacturers’ factories.