Clenbuterol Tablets is a beta 2 agonist which comes in 100 pills in sachets or bottles and contains 40 mcg of Clenbuterol Hydrochloride, it is an original brand product of British Dragon Pharma. For oral usage. An excellent product for burning fat.
Clenbuterol tablets refers to the category of highly efficient drugs, allowing the athlete to improve the quality of muscles and power indicators. Also, in competent reception, this drug has a powerful anti-catabolic effect on the body, speeds up protein exchange. It is worth noting the fact that the components included in the composition of the Clenbuterol are quickly absorbed by the body, which confirms that the maximum concentration of the main active component of the drug is reached after a quarter of an hour after its use.
Unlike other drugs, Clenbuterol by British Dragon Pharma has no steroid nature, which explains its ability to be perfectly combined with thyroid hormones. A competent course allows you to achieve acceleration of fat burn process. Usage of this drug is also advisable for athletes who have just completed the reception of anabolic steroids, due to its ability to significantly suppress the destructive effect of glucocorticosteroids.
It is worth noting that the active components of the Clenbuterol tablets can significantly slow the protein synthesis processes at the same time. One of the main effects, due to which the athletes choose the reception of this drug, is the fat burning, which is achieved by accelerating the metabolic processes. Correctly selected dosage and the duration of the course will avoid side effects and get the maximum result from the reception.
- Clenbuterol Tablets by British Dragon
The principle of using this drug on courses is the same for both men and women, with the exception of the dosage. Men are allowed to take a drug in a dosage equal to 120 μg, while women can take Clenbuterol no more than 100 μg per day.
Many experienced athletes in order to minimize or completely eliminate the likelihood of side effects, recommends starting each new course with minimal dosages. Further, if there is no manifestation of side effects, you can gradually increase the dosage to the maximum permissible.
According to experts, approximately for the fifth day of the course you need to use ketotifens in an amount not exceeding 1 milligrams, for the sixth day the dosage of ketotifena increases to 2 milligram and remains unchanged after 25 days of course. On 26 day of course, it is necessary to begin a gradual decrease in the drug intake, up to its complete cancellation. This method of reception will make rid of side effects and get the maximum result from the course. In the event that the athlete decided to conduct a course without using ketotifen to it, then you should not take this drug for more than two weeks.
To buy Clenbuterol tablets profitably, you just need to visit their online store. Price level for Clenbuterol Tablets is lower than that of competitors, directly from the manufacturers’ factories.