Last seen: Apr 16, 2020
Just pm when your free mate...btw good to have you back
Yeah i would really like to get some pics but dont have access to a digi cam.....would of really loved to have taken pics when i got back into working...
I had the same prob with brand name testoviron...just mixed 1ml of oil and was heaps better...still slight pain but not crippling.
Unfortunatly its too late for anything now as the lump that is there cant be reduced by any drug so you will have to put up with it or get it cut out....
Yeah i'm not so sure about dropping the carbs stanaman >not saying your wrong but if you dont eat enough Carbs you will use protein as an energy so...
Stats ;187 cm,89kgs,approx 12%bf
4 days per week...Monday,tuesday,thursday and friday...this way i never do more that 2 days in a row and have weekends off which then gives the body A...
Sorry biggie i may have come across as being a know it all but that wasnt my intention and i certainly have heaps to learn ....just a misunderstanding...
Yes its pretty much common knowledge and i would assume most BB would use this method in 1 form or another...I know i do
whe they go to the supermarkets and have a exhibition you see the ladies on em and they are on an almost horizontal angle and after 1 rep they smile f...
Originally posted by adam ryan [B]hey man its truly revolutionary. you can replace $1000's of dollars of gym equipment and fee;s with this 1 machine.....
Like every1 else my health and actually surviving my younger,wild years.And i am also thankfull to the surfer who saved my life when i was stupid enou...
there are many different protein sources and variation is also good but the most popular sources would be red meat,chicken,fish,cottage cheese etc.You...