Last seen: Mar 13, 2019
It realy does not matter. In the past I would split it just to have an equally good pump in each muscle, but now I only do it w/ my delts, and no othe...
Anavar w/ low doses of t3 and an otc eca may help her.
If your still making good gains then wait. The longer u wait the better. Give it at least another few months, or until u hit a wall.
I would replace the deca w/ eq. Tren @ 75mg/day is fine for the first time. Maybe some mood swings in the first few weeks, but you should be fine. I a...
I am gonna do bridges b/w cycles for a year or so and see how it works out. No desire to bother w/ the rollercoaster rides anymore. Dont stay on forev...
I know they are strong and useually overfilled, but I would not say 300mg/ml. If ya think 3 a week is too much, try 1 every 3rd day. What were your te...
KALPA's are better than sp labs's. Try 750mg/week though.
Most health food stores carry it bro. It is similar to tryptophan and increases serotonin production. You can take up to 150mg/night if you need to, b...
5-htp is good shiat. Great for sleep too.
Probably going to get flamed, but gbl.
I would still use the prop, but thats just me, I frontload everything. Sure u have the dbol, but there is still some cyp going to waste w/o frontloadi...
I am on 1050mg of test/week(prop and enanthate) and 75mg/day of Tren And feel the same way. Not much energy or motivation, and eating is a fucking cho...
I have never used hcg, but it may be a good idea to use along with the clomid on acount of how hard tren useually shuts ya down. Bump for some hcg inf...
Looks good bro. Thats not too long to be on tren, you'll be ok. Run it @ 75mg/day. .25mg of armidex a day should be sufficient for you.
Kalpa enanthate. The prop is good too.