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Killer Quads81
Killer Quads81
Active Member
Joined: Aug 10, 2018
Last seen: Mar 13, 2019
Topics: 0 / Replies: 17
RE: Cut My Shots In Half?

It realy does not matter. In the past I would split it just to have an equally good pump in each muscle, but now I only do it w/ my delts, and no othe...

6 years ago
RE: Anavar for girlfriend.

Anavar w/ low doses of t3 and an otc eca may help her.

6 years ago
RE: When

If your still making good gains then wait. The longer u wait the better. Give it at least another few months, or until u hit a wall.

6 years ago
RE: First time Fina

I would replace the deca w/ eq. Tren @ 75mg/day is fine for the first time. Maybe some mood swings in the first few weeks, but you should be fine. I a...

6 years ago
RE: Staying on shit

I am gonna do bridges b/w cycles for a year or so and see how it works out. No desire to bother w/ the rollercoaster rides anymore. Dont stay on forev...

6 years ago
RE: which cycle would you do???

I know they are strong and useually overfilled, but I would not say 300mg/ml. If ya think 3 a week is too much, try 1 every 3rd day. What were your te...

6 years ago
RE: which cycle would you do???

KALPA's are better than sp labs's. Try 750mg/week though.

6 years ago
RE: Combat depression after cycle?

Most health food stores carry it bro. It is similar to tryptophan and increases serotonin production. You can take up to 150mg/night if you need to, b...

6 years ago
RE: Combat depression after cycle?

5-htp is good shiat. Great for sleep too.

6 years ago
RE: Combat depression after cycle?

Probably going to get flamed, but gbl.

6 years ago
RE: How dose this cycle look???

I would still use the prop, but thats just me, I frontload everything. Sure u have the dbol, but there is still some cyp going to waste w/o frontloadi...

6 years ago
RE: Any body feel like this?

I am on 1050mg of test/week(prop and enanthate) and 75mg/day of Tren And feel the same way. Not much energy or motivation, and eating is a fucking cho...

6 years ago
RE: 3rd cycle for fall(strength/lean mass)

I have never used hcg, but it may be a good idea to use along with the clomid on acount of how hard tren useually shuts ya down. Bump for some hcg inf...

7 years ago
RE: 3rd cycle for fall(strength/lean mass)

Looks good bro. Thats not too long to be on tren, you'll be ok. Run it @ 75mg/day. .25mg of armidex a day should be sufficient for you.

7 years ago
RE: Favorite Brand of Test

Kalpa enanthate. The prop is good too.

7 years ago
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