Last seen: Apr 15, 2020
I like the prop/eq cycle but think you're pushing the orals to long.. even if you'll be injecting the zambons you're liver will already be streesed fr...
arimidex will help a control the bloat from drol too.. drol is a good choice if you're having joint problems, it has a similar effect as deca..
don't taper deca or sust, deca for at least 12 weeks, takes about 4-5 weeks to kick in.. won't need hcg and if you take it post cycle run an anti e wi...
mcdonalds, wendy's and burger king first..
70 lbs in 2 years.. good job sounds like you already know what to do.. maybe a week or 2 off then comeback with a new routine..
where's the fina? prop/fina can't be beat for cutting..