Last seen: Apr 15, 2020
Posted by: Valkyl The water floating in my toilet bowl is cleaner then mexi gear...
At your size I'd run the doses higher.. i've done fina @ 150mg/ed.. just work you way up so you can judge how it effects your attitude.. I'd also kick...
Posted by: biggreene wow cutie that's pretty good, don't see too many women, even serious training women, who can handle those weights. Shit, at a nor...
why make it so complicated??Prop (or prop/susp blend) 100mg/ed Fina 100mg/edEq 100mg/edrun it as long as you like but 12-16 weeks will make you look l...
I'd do deca/test at least 12 weeks since deca has such a slow kick in time and kick start with 25-50mg dbol or 50-100mg anadrol ed for week 1-4.. get ...
good article re clomid & hcg..
give eq/deca 3 weeks to clear your system before starting pct..
Posted by: adam ryan dont suppose youve used his cyp ?ive heard it hurts too.damn my whole cycle coming up is full of PAIN! His old cyp was brutal.. u...
fina kicks in quickly.. should start to feel stronger 1-2 weeks.. btw fina agression seems to be less of an issue when taken ed..
eq 4-5 weeks..
Posted by: creashark Deca and fina are both progesterone derivative steroids. Don't take both together. (I haven't used both together for what it's wo...
your cycle sounds fine except IMO you're not running deca long enough.. usually takes 3,4,5 weeks to kick in.... how long are you running the fina? wi...
Posted by: STIRANKO He can also throw in some 50 mg's of 5-htp at nightime to help raise his serotonin levels in helping him reduce depression. what i...