Last seen: Jun 12, 2019
Here is some info I posted on it before. Hope it may help.Pro viron is a synthetic, orally effective androgen which does not have any anabolic charact...
Thanks for the info mate, think I'll give them a go myself.
Posted by: sanctum2k Mally, I am using them now.. but along with Masteron and Winny, so it's hard to say what's doing what.....muscles hard though.......
Step has, he gave links above aswell.
Cheers mate, I'll check it out.
Step, how you finding the doggcrap style? I was thinking of trying it.
I just switched from doing Monday, Wednesday and Friday(then wouldnt train again until monday) to Monady, Tuesday and then Thursday, Friday. I added t...
Yep, all I drink is water during training.And I too have recently upped my carb intake by quite a bit, and my gains are MUCH better than before.
I tried MD, but sweet tasting drinks make me feel quite sick while training so I gave up on the idea.
Go by a kilo bag of Glucose from Pet Barn for $15, thats what I do.I use 3 heaped tablespoons in my post workout shake.
Thats fucked mate, shouldnt happen.I'd either confront him or let gym managment know that he's putting notes in guys lockers.
I have a basic diet plan but it's more of a guide line than anything set in stone.
Posted by: Tiny Aussie pecs are "white fibre" muscles aren't they ?What other muscles are white fibre ? - calves, biceps ?cheersTA All muscles are mad...
I have it in my quads too, and it has stopped me from wanting to inj. in my quads!