Last seen: Apr 13, 2019
The butt has better absorbtion...but the quad is good. And easier.
Run the EQ with the test... both together are a very poweful combo.
4-6 weeks bro...at 100mg ed you may end up with very painful joints. If you do, back off to 50 and see if you can stand that.
Allow at least 10 weeks for deca...2 mg per lb/bw min.
Trade the super clen for some ehedra...
Get more test to run it with your deca the entire cycle.
Change to quad shots.
bump the deca up to 400. Run the cycle at least 10 weeks. I would use clomid, starting 3 weeks after your last shot.
Posted by: Feli Fly How do the bros here feel about EQ alone for subsequent cycles? . The more cycles you do and the more serious you get for building...
First cycle ALWAYS use test. If you want a really kick ass cycle use 500mg test/400mg EQ for 12 weeks.
Arimidex dosage = .25mg per 500mg of AS.
Run the test and the EQ constant throughout the cycle bro, no taper. I wouldnt waste the prop but just run the cyp all the way.
Looks good except run the deca the full 12 weeks. Start clomid 3 weeks after last shot.
Why are you even considering methyltest?
Pretty harsh bro...I would only use it pre-workouts.