Oxanabol Tablets is an oral anabolic steroid which comes in sachets or bottles with 100 pills and contains 10 mg of Oxandrolone, it is an original brand product of British Dragon Pharma. For oral usage. An excellent product for cutting cycles.
Oxanabol Tablets manufactured by the European Pharmacological company British Dragon is one of the most soft and secure AAS currently presented at the date on the global market. Steroid safety also confirms the fact that it is used in traditional medicine for the treatment of pregnant women and children. Judging by the numerous reviews of athletes with the experience of taking this drug, it can be concluded that it is gradually gaining increasing popularity not only among athletes, but also beginner bodybuilders.
Another feature of this drug is that it does not have the ability to aromatize, is not androgenic and when taking a recommended dosage , users does not have toxic effects on the liver and other organs.
The users with this drug can get the following results, namely:
- increase the power and endurance;
- acceleration of recovery after high intensity loads;
- increasing the rigidity and quality of muscle mass;
- slow, but high-quality muscle growth without muscle loss after the cycle.
Also, the drug of this company is characterized by a fairly powerful anti-catabolic effect.
- Oxanabol Tablets
Basically, the decision to order Oxanabol Tablets is taken by athletes who are just starting familiarizing with the preparations of sports pharmacology, as well as women who always put safety on the first place. Also, this drug allows you to achieve the goals of athletes from light weight categories. Athletes with experience in taking drugs are chosen Oxanabol in cycles designed for cutting. The fact is that the active components of this steroid protect the muscles from the effects of cortisol, at the same time, preventing water retention in the body. In very frequent cases, athletes prefer to take Oxanabol in combination with Primobol.
To buy Oxanabol profitably, you just need to visit their online store. Price level for Oxanabol is lower than that of competitors, directly from the manufacturers’ factories.