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Shoulder Problems

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Hey Guys, I dunno if any of you remember me, I use to post on here for a fair while last year some time, but unfortunatly due to study and other committments havent had a chance to get on here my a long time, Nice to see the aussie board is staying strong though...

Was hoping you guys might be able to help me with a problem I am having, which is another reason why I am not here so often, is because I cant train as often anymore due to my right shoulder. I did somthing to it about 2 years lifting somthing awkwardly, originally it didn't seem like such a problem, and i let it go, over time when training shoulders particularly i used to get bad pain behind my right trap for days after workouts. Over time this has got alot worse, not only am i weaker than I was back in high school now (not that I am all that old anyhow but ), but the size difference between the two traps is now becoming beyond a joke.

I dont train shoulders at all currently as I am so scared of worsening the problem, Basically my left shoulder you can see the muscle line run diaginally from my neck to my shoulder like it should, where the right just caves in as it runs from my neck to my shoulder. I have tried going to physio's twice, and they always just told me to stop training for a while and then begin some light exercises, but the ploblem always returned. The pain now comes even after I do chest, back or arm workouts, and also hurts at the back of my ribcage (you know that chicken bone part? )...

What do you guys think i can do to try and fix the problem??

This BB i know reckons that by reducing to light weights and taking vitamin C I should be able to workthrough the problem, and that it may just be scar tissue built up?and that the light training and vitamin C will break this done... Think he is right or am i too late to save?

Thanks guys, sorry the message is so long, I can never seem to shut up

