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Shelf on the back of my Legs

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I need help with this... I do a shitload of cardio, eat low carbs, high protiens, and drink alot of water, but ... I still have this crappy chunk of fat on the back of my legs just under my ass. At least the rest of me looks great.
Spot injections?

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I have a similar problem to you. Try a yohimbine topical gel, like Lipoderm-y. I used it will good results. It is specifically designed to target those trouble spots, and works best when you are lean already (except for those spots), and maintain a calorie defecit while using.

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Try stiff legged deadlifts and a zigzag caloric in take thru out the week.

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Do you just stick to cardio or do you add weights in your workout too? If you don't use weights I would def. incorporate them. I agree with strongerthanall try some stiff leg deadlifts. Also add some squats in your workout.


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Even though you really can't spot reduce - if you are eating clean and cardio - it must be a really stubborn pocket. Maybe if you built up your hamstrings more that would help - agree with the SLDL and the squats. And agree with Patience also that if you are not lifting weights you need to incorporate that as well. That's all I know!

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Thanks, I layed off on the stiff legs, but will get back on them immed. I appreciate the input!!!

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Thanks, I layed off on the stiff legs, but will get back on them immed. I appreciate the input!!!

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Thanks Inkman, im on jintropin now, and have been for about three and a half months. I do 2 i.u.s a day. the rest of me looks incredible, and just talked to my man, who is also suggesting spot injections too. I can barely do my belly without getting sweaty hands. I am so afraid of of pins,,,,lol, im such a sissy!!!

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Guess what? Been doubling up on stiff legs every week now, added another day of cardio to my weekly routine, and also am hiting the spot injections of gh in the back of my legs. (have the boyfriend do that, cause im too much of a pussy to do it myself.)
the shelf is just about gone.
Thank you guys and gals for all your advice on this!!!! I will submit a pic of the results soon.
