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Dosing Clen

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I prefer asprin, i used from day one when i read that it helps prevent the inner walls of the ventricles from adding extra mass, which can happen when subjected to extended doses of clen

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Mine is diluted to be 100mcg/.4 ml.... dose is 1.5ml 2 x

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started at 40mcg a day, slight headache last night, little bit shaky today but still feel good.

I didn't have pliers to rip the needle of the insulin syringe, so I just used the syringe as a whole. Damn I need to get a bigger gauge pin cause those slin pins just don't wanna suck it up, takes too long and then I gotta sit there with a slin pin right near my mouth trying not to stab myself while dropping the clen in, LOL!

Ah well, it's all good!

Mr Oz
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are you taking 750mcg of clen a day sanct?

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i done 500ml of clen 200mcg/ml and took 1 ml and i start shaking and had bad headech it start from 4 pm yesterday till now couldnt sleep all night

this shit is strong so be carfull, thats how i usually take my clen :

Day1: 60mcg
Day2: 80mcg
Day3: 80mcg
Day4: 100mcg
Day5: 100mcg
Day6-Day12: 120mcg
Day13: 100 mcg
Day14: 80 mcgs

then 2day on 2 day off

guys wat dosge should i use on the 2 day on ?

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guys i got an insulin syringe would .50 units make 100mcg ?

am confused ?

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I know the liquid clen being talked about , 1000mcg/ml .

I tend to be a bit in the rought side when doing my doses , near enuff is good enought for stuff like this for me , I worked out once that there are roughtly 40 drops in a ml of PG , so that makes it .25mcg per drop for clen , one drop in the morning and one in the evening , sweet as can be..... easy.

Maybe not ideal for some but whats 10mcg one way or the other ....

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Posted by: MR_SSS
guys i got an insulin syringe would .50 units make 100mcg ?

am confused ?

Yes, for 200mg/mL that would be correct.

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Just one other point. There's no need at all to taper your clen at the end.

Build up to check your tolerance if you've not used it before, but after that stop when you need to and don't worry about tapering off.

Tapering off with Thyroid is cool....but not needed with clen

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Anything to back this up Xanthine, fully respect to you and all but most things I've read said taper up, then taper off.

Hands are shaking a bit, nothing too bad but it makes feeding myself interesting at meal times

Body is handling 60mcg no problems, 40mcg gave me slight headache but I must have accustomed to the drug cause it's all good now.

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Posted by: Amatuer
Anything to back this up Xanthine, fully respect to you and all but most things I've read said taper up, then taper off.

Hands are shaking a bit, nothing too bad but it makes feeding myself interesting at meal times

Body is handling 60mcg no problems, 40mcg gave me slight headache but I must have accustomed to the drug cause it's all good now.

Xanth is right. There is no need to taper clen once u have found a comfortable dose...I recommend tapering up your first cycle, to find a good dose...(usually 100-150 mcg/day).

Clen stimulates adronergic receptors, meaning it mimics adrenoline in your body and causes a whole plethora of reactions, one of which is increased fat burning. As you progress in your clen cycle, your receptors become more and more deregulated....meaning u need more and more clen to illicit the same response as previous...if anything u should taper UP your dosages towards the end of your cycle. Me, I never do this, as I find clen to be a very harsh drug that demands your complete RESPECT.

Clen is not like other body hormones...adrenaline is only present at very specific times in your body in response to certain stimulus. So there is no need to recover full use of this response as a general rule by tapering. Now more importantly, it has been shown that tapering hormones, does not work....once u are shut down...u are shut down...alot of ppl say that u can taper down t3, but personnaly, I dont know if it would make any difference, ive heard conflicting things about this.

Hypocritically, I have never tried T3, and probaly wont, so this is all simply pie-in-the-sky theory on my part..

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Ok, well I'll not taper down and see how I go.

One thing to note:

This morning I went to the toilet to urinate, as soon as I stopped pissing I got this excruciating pain in to me what felt like my prostate but it was ONLY no the right hand side, it built up for about 5 seconds then went away. A few hours later, the same thing happened but I wasn't going to the toilet this time (though I did need to piss), except that the pain was now on the left hand side, same thing, very painful, only for a short period of time.

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So how would a big fatty like me use clen?

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By the bucketfull mate j/k

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LOL okay do i drink it like VB beer?

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