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GLYCOGEN? post workout shake!!

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hey guys!

Ive read a lot of places about glycogen and how your glycogen stores get depleted after a workout etc, and it stands to reason as it fuels your muscles etc. but my main Q is, how many of you have a sugary drink or mix some dextrose with your protein shake post workout? the few times have mixed about 50grams of dextrose with my protein shake of about 60-80grams, i felt like recovery was sped up big time! anyone else do this or ever heard of this?
maybe in my head but works good!

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I always chuck in about 100gm dextrose in post workout protein drink.

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The first thing I have ALWAYS after training is 400ml fruit juice with 10 teaspoons of sugar thrown in, 30 mins later 2 cups (dry weight) of white rice, both very high G.I. to both replenish muscle and liver glycogen and get the high insulin spike (highly anabolic). This has worked very well for me and I always pump up good next workout (even though my workouts only last 45mins max)

adam ryan
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good idea.
do you use white sugar or brown?
and any fruit juice (100% or those re constituted ones?)

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Yes its pretty much common knowledge and i would assume most BB would use this method in 1 form or another...I know i do

adam ryan
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no ones ever mentioned this to me!
hey we all miss something here and there!

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yeah even if u dont like suger with the juice use barly suger or lolies they work well .

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The purpose of this is to obviously get in high GI carbs as after a workout quickly. I have found that the combo of dextrose in crystal light drink and white rice to be the best, rice being in the 90's on the GI scale, and dextrose being 100.
But watch out, you don't need much more then 75g I'd say, unless you're using slin or trying some high carb diet.
However, I prefer my pre workout carb up, which is usually about 50-60g of low-moderate GI carbs. Keep in mind bros, protein and fats will reduce the GI of carbs also.

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Real1ty, yeah i know its pretty much common knowledge, i didn't ask whether it was a complex task that only people at the top do, i was merely asking who else actually does it. ive only just started doing it recently, but i guess its one of them things that you learn along the way!

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Sorry biggie i may have come across as being a know it all but that wasnt my intention and i certainly have heaps to learn ....just a misunderstanding dude...sorry

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hehe no worries mate, these things happen! all i know is im about to be at the gym in 50 mins doing squats, and when i get home i think 100g of dextrose is going in that bodyripped.

surprisingly the body ripped with added sugar, tastes remarkably like a shop bought milkshake!! lol

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I whack in glucose powder into my 2 post workout shakes to get the carbs up. About 80-50gms each shake but only prob is around 80gms it really does make ya feel a bit sick

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adam fruit juice is not a good choice,fructose is quite low on the GI scale - even cranberry is inferior to maltodextrin or glucose,plus fructose preferentially goes to the liver glycogen stores

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i just have a protein shake with some added honey then throw down half a packet of glucose jelly babies. easier to swallow than a sugary, overly sweet shake i thinks.

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I just add 30g dextrose for fast carb and 40g maltodextrin to continue the process after workout with my protein. Can't take too much though, ends up with osmotic diarriea(sp?)

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