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can you build mass without supplements?

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im sick of just sick of them...i just took some glutamine and a protein shake after that and i feel like puking only it wont come up...fucken shakes and this 3x/day and that 5x/day 20min before meals and these pills and this powder...anybody here get any decent results with no supplements at all? no nothing i cant even see vitamins any more ill do anything just not powders and bars and pills and shit... supplement companies are the biggest scammers of all if you ask me...what about good old regular food can i grow onlu on this?...alex

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try eating a lot malic, without food, you wont grow worth a shit

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Dude, I hear ya! It's tough enough just figuring out what supps to take, let alone find ones you actually like i.e. protein powders.
Thank God for food. We do not need supplements, unless your life can do with some convenience. That's it. I'd personally rather eat good food than drink a protein shake, but like I said, depends on you. Don't get me wrong, I do use supps, but mostly powders. They get old fast and they are expensive. You're not alone.

Feli Fly
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Posted by: jonrichard
Don't get me wrong, I do use supps, but mostly powders. They get old fast and they are expensive. You're not alone.

Of course you could get enough pro naturally, but on a per gram basis, protein powders are really not that expensive... compare the grams of pro/$ of a cheap whey supp to that of most foods and I bet only eggs give you more protein for your $... steak, chicken, milk etc get real expensive real fast if you are just considering protein content...

$5 bag of chicken in my freezer: 180g total g pro (36g pro/ $1)
my $20 5lb whey tub: 1600g pro total (80g pro/ $1)

I think they're useful.. BTW, who said whey has to be only shakes? Mix some in your oatmeal... mix a scoop in your breakfast cereal... sure, shakes are what I use most, but get creative if you are sick of shakes...

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"You need one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight to grow".

^^^^^This never proven yet often repeated mantra is the cornerstone of the supplement industry. Trying to reach this level of protein intake is easily faciliated with expensive powders. Personally I think the vast majority of supplements are overrated, and a great number are completely useless. Just eat well, lift hard and get enough rest. John Grimek, George Hackenschmidt, Arthur Saxon et al. never had access to "Methoxy-Tribmyostatin 2000" (or whatever) and they managed to grow nicely.

Incidentally, why even bother with most supps? In your neck of the woods I believe "supplements" are a LOT more effective, a lot easier to come by and probably cheaper in the long run


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I agree with Viking Rage.

Myself the only supplements I use are a 1/2 tab of vit/min in the evening. Occasionally I'll take a grape seed extract and drink some green tea.

Thats it. The rest is whole foods and water.

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The only supplements I take are protein, eca(dieting), and milk thistle(because I drink). Vitamins are also included, but everyone should take those anyway.

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eat eat eat eat eat eat eat, if u eat lots u don't need any supps, food makes u GROW and a good training program

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Dude, i dont know a cheaper way to get quality protien in me then protien shakes... chicken breasts, steak, eggs, milk, in large enough quantities will drain your bank account fast.

Its more about appitite for me then anything, I can eat a full meal, couldnt eat another bite, let alone bring myself to scarf down another steak and the 4 eggs I need to make my protien quotient for that meal, but I can chug a nice creamy shake, fast, think about getting big, wipe my mouth and move on.

U can go ahead and eat as much food as u want, u still wont be able to take in the calories u could if u suppliment. Suppliments are there to ADD to your normal daily intact, hense the name suppliments.

If I ate all my calories as real food, I wouldnt be able to walk and id be shitting every 5 min.

Try motivating yourself, discipline and routine.

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yeah im not all about supplements but i think protien powders are very cheap and convienent, but as long as you eat properly i dont really c a huge need for alot of supplements aside from a multivitamen/mineral...

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I (personally) don't see how anyone-unless they have a shitload of spare time and the stomach capacity to constantly eat is able just to use regular food without a powdered protein supplement to achieve mass. To me it's a necessary evil.

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I do get bored of protein supps but without em I don't know where I'd be. 1 scoop is 22 grams. 1 egg is only about 8 grams. If I mix 2 scoops with milk and skim milk powder I get around 60 grams of protein. quick and EZ...and cheap!!! Which is always good. I eat lots of tuna, steak and chicken but try to finsih off each meal with at least a small protein shake. Great stuff!

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I thinlk have a shake or a mrp if youre short on time of if you just ate a shitty(protein-wise) meal, if you just ate a 8 ounce steak do you really need a shake? I personally take glutamine, a multi, a fat burner and creatine once in a blue moon.

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Ript, I dont know how much u weigh, or what u eat in a day, but Ive found that even just to maintain what size I have I need the extra calories and protien that i get from my shakes.
