More important that the fact that it can be counterproductive (for both morale and physiologically), you may run the risk of spreading it to other gym patrons.
I've caught some of my flus and colds from inconsiderates who insist on training despite the fact they should almost be on a drip in a hospital bed.
Imagine if you went to the gym with a flu/cold, and during a piss poor workout accidently gave your flu to some guy at the bubblers. Then three days later when you're feeling better you go to the gym charged, only to have that same guy you infected then reinfect you with your own bug.
I have a flu right now. I'm pissed off.
Yeah.. well put.. be considerate and stay indoors.. ... man.. all these smart arse scientist.. why can't they find somthing to kill the little bugs!!
Rest, keep warm flu tabs and lots of sux!!!
cuddle up with a warm aussie bloke, sip some warm brandy, .................
"Passengeres on AirNZ flight 74 to.........." LOLOLOL
Take care precious..... get better soon.
Geeez sanctum, your on a mission arent you mate?
I am just a caring, considerate, cuddly aussie bloke.....
its the test kicked in to top gear! would be pitching tents everywhere now so i guess so the tent pole does the thinking now
double post
hashahahahahahah.........I am just a caring, considerate, cuddly aussie bloke.....
Who's on a shit load of Test and as horny as a 3 balled tom cat.
(sheepish grin)
man, I love this stuff....... why would you ever want to come off.
So true. If we weren't trying to have a baby, I would be on 12 months of the year.
well, I have 5 weeks left..... might take a short break and come back into spring/summer on fire.....
battling it as we type
drinkiing heaps of water poping vit c sudafed
drinking oj at work {its free}
trained yesterday had today off
Echinacea and Vitamin C work well for me.
water is the key.
but i have beaten the flu by being active in the past.
but some times u should just rest.