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post cycle queries!

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adam ryan
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ok as some of you know i finished my recent cycle and have been off for 3 1/2 weeks now and still on clomid.
i did ask a similar question recently about permanent gains but at this stage i seem to be holding ok.
i managed 11.5 kg gain total nd made it to 106.5kg , today after doing chest i weighed myself (this is without food obviously) and weighed just shy of 105!
3.5 weeks since last injection, how do things look to you guys with experience?


adam ryan
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cheers mate!
i do try to take pics but i always do it myself so it never comes out the way i like it (out of 10 shots id delete 7-8)
this was a 1st cycle for me (for over 11 years and no training up untill march last year)
i started untrained weight of 89kg in march 2002. m a hell of alot more now but managed to get to 95 in that time up till i started the cycle.
you are definatley right about the scales though, it is a head fuck and i do try to stay away from them unless im feeling powerfull. last 2 weeks been training shit and feeling weak (been off work and sleeping 13hrs a day so you can imagine the food ive missed!) then back to work last 4 days and BANG , food intake is good again and im feeling top again!
i just dont want to lose anymore weight!!!ill be happy with 103

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11.5kgs, congrats mate.

I'm coming off a cycle myself, about to start clomid soon.
any sides whilst on clomid ? acne/emotions?


adam ryan
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no emotions as yet, its been a week almost.
i feel pretty much the same to tell you the truth. acne post cycle period is bad for some reason regardless of the clomid.
day 1 clomid was 300mg, then the next 4 were 100mg then 50 till i feel its enough.
mine are chemist grade to btw
and thanks for the congrats

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Posted by: JerryTheJuicer
(and actually get the mind set that the longer you aren't taking any AS the bigger you will get next time start a cycle)
Anyway Bodybuilding is about the way the body looks, not how heavy you are!!. It's easy to put on weight, not so easy to put on lean muscle though.

thats the best comment ,from what i know that if u can take 6 months rest between cycles ur reseptors will b fresh again and ur gains will b max,i know poeple who've been on and off roids for 2-8 years and all there best gains they got it after a while off .
adam i found that carb loading post training after the cycle help a lot

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I am into week 2 of my post cycle i got up to 86kgs now i am holding at 82

Acne from clomid is far worse than what i got from the Test its only just started in the last 2 days or so (15 days in post cycle)
and i have been "off" for 5 weeks now

Hoping to get the body fat down to around 8-9% before i bulk again ( i dunno what i am at now but its mid to high teens)

Tiny Aussie
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Posted by: JerryTheJuicer
Forget about the scales (they can be a major head fuck). Just train as hard as you can ON or OFF.

Now That is sound advice.


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This seems to contradict what I have been reading about clomid here and this comes from a guy who holds about 3 national BB tittles. Anyway he said that you shouldn't stay on clomid for more than 2 weeks.

His reason- after 2 weeks it can actually have the reverse effect. The same can happen with HCG I think. It's all so confusing. He says 2 weeks it all you should need, but he did say that you will get better results if you use clomid and HCG post cycle. Can't remember what days and what dosages but it sounded pretty complicated.

adam ryan
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thanks fellas
ana_11 ill try your carb up idea post workouts,
and DIGGS, yeah there is so much diversity in the subject that i just took the mainstream way that i learned off meso so ill give all a go in time and learn what works best for me but its always good to hear and read other ideas as maybe thats what will work for us too!

cheers again
