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We should be like jews......................

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Sorry dude, didnt mean to attempt a hijack of this thread

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I'll start. Thats a damn good idea, seriously. I try to help guys at the gym if they need a job or whatever even if I don't really know them outside of the gym. Anyone disciplined enough to do what we do day in and day out generally has a good work ethic. Any bro's in SW MO PM me if you need work and either drive or have worked in the transportation field in some form or fashion. I do the hiring here. Hell as far as that goes...anywhere in the 48 states (as long as you have a Class A CDL and your MVR is clean), I hire drivers from all over but our home office is in MO.

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Just take care of your own,and shut up! LOL.... u try to do charity work, and i bet you, you will feel unaprreciated and taken advantage off within a week LOL

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Haven't yet

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Somebody page mule.

Seriously though, Jews are generally successful people because, simply, they take care of their own. Throughout history, they have been a nomadic people, so this is essential for their survival. The Jewish people exist after thousands of years because they never fully assimilate into the population of whatever country they reside in. The Jewish people maintain a tight-knit community, enabling them to collectively gain control of anything and everything they possibly can. Media is controlled by Jews, our financial system is controlled by Jews. Major positions in the US government are held by Jews, take a look at the civilian leadership in the defense department.
Jews aren't genetically "superior", contrary to popular belief. There was a study that compared semetic Jews to Arabs, and their genetic makeup is nearly identical. The majority of Jews in the US are Eastern European, descendants of the Hun, Uigur, and Magyar tribes. Hun, as in Atilla the Hun, the ancient enemies of Christianity.

Food for thought.

This post was modified 7 years ago by supervisor

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Posted by: creashark

They dont even have any good juice in Israel! What kind of sick nation doesnt produce high quality steroids?!?

actaully your very wrong on both accounts, intermarriage is abig probleim in judism right no wbecause tehkids are almost nver jewish i am case in point , my dads jewsih i am catholic, it happnes alot, and second about Israel , israel has tons of juice available there, your very wrong about that. there lots of juice and its very easy to get. there are many dealers out of ISrael selling tons of different steroids, many are ISraeli made, and shit is very easy to import form other countries liek turkey and resell it, Jim

This post was modified 7 years ago by supervisor

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Posted by: AZ2MIA

Somebody page mule.

Seriously though, Jews are generally successful people because, simply, they take care of their own. Throughout history, they have been a nomadic people, so this is essential for their survival. The Jewish people exist after thousands of years because they never fully assimilate into the population of whatever country they reside in. The Jewish people maintain a tight-knit community, enabling them to collectively gain control of anything and everything they possibly can. Media is controlled by Jews, our financial system is controlled by Jews. Major positions in the US government are held by Jews, take a look at the civilian leadership in the defense department.
Jews aren't genetically "superior", contrary to popular belief. There was a study that compared semetic Jews to Arabs, and their genetic makeup is nearly identical. The majority of Jews in the US are Eastern European, descendants of the Hun, Uigur, and Magyar tribes. Hun, as in Atilla the Hun, the ancient enemies of Christianity.

Food for thought.

food for thought, is that jews were actually never allowed to assilmalate by law in europe. there were by law forced to live only with other jews and only work in their section, everything was done in their little section, of town were they had to be. their own schools, own courts etc.. this was all by law. this only changed with Napolean , emacipated the jews of France.Now for the first time allowing they were allowed to become citizens.

Other countries in Western Europe would follow France's lead in this regard and many jews were emacipatedand now allowed to assimalate with the rest of the population as citizens of the country. When jew were allowed to assimalate with everyone they took off ,education, monetary wise ect.. they really started to make their mark big time whnen they were allowed out of their ghtettos, but a respsonse to the emacipation of the jews was the start of the zionism movement.

Some jews felt since jews since they were now emancipated they would lose thei to keep their identity not just as a religion but as a people as well but instead they had to have their own country again. there was always a small thread zionism even before but it really became a force after emacipatione era. this is where disagreement happended between the jews who felt more nationalist feelings towards their countries and those who felt zionism was the way. zionism wasn't that populer because many jews felt they were french or german first ect. they were doing well in euorpe as citizens and felt no need fo change. Zionism popularity really took off after a sereis of brutal pogroms in the 1880s and 1890s in Russia and the Drefuss affair in France ,situations which led many jews to belive that the short good time yearss in Euorpe were over an even though they tried to assimalate during this period they were still not going to be accepted as equals and going to be persecuted instead, so they found zionism more appealing. still the debate raged on in teh jewish communityabout the merits of Zionism vs the merits of exile.

Not many jewswanted to move back to ISrael ever after these incidenst because they were isolated and most jews still felt secure but suspicious of their fate but most still felt more of connection in europe, so they trickle back to Israel was not that large. It was only after WW2 that large numbers would go back to Israel, after finally figured out Europe was not for them. jim

This post was modified 7 years ago by supervisor

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Mule.. it is VERY piafnul to my eeys to tyr and raed yuor poasts.. How buot just a tiney litlte minute amuont of effort bro? πŸ˜€ thknas!

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Posted by: KingOfPain

Mule.. it is VERY piafnul to my eeys to tyr and raed yuor poasts.. How buot just a tiney litlte minute amuont of effort bro? πŸ˜€ thknas!


This post was modified 7 years ago by supervisor

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Posted by: KingOfPain

Mule.. it is VERY piafnul to my eeys to tyr and raed yuor poasts.. How buot just a tiney litlte minute amuont of effort bro? πŸ˜€ thknas!

i will edit that one for you. Jim

This post was modified 7 years ago by supervisor

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Posted by: AZ2MIA

Jews aren't genetically "superior", contrary to popular belief. There was a study that compared semetic Jews to Arabs, and their genetic makeup is nearly identical. The majority of Jews in the US are Eastern European, descendants of the Hun, Uigur, and Magyar tribes. Hun, as in Atilla the Hun, the ancient enemies of Christianity.

Food for thought.

oh and i just read some more of your posts , Jews are not related to the turkic tribes, how do you say are jews identical to arab but then related to Huns. they are not related to these these eastern tribes you speak of. The people of ISrael always satyed a genetcic ethnic group due to their own tightness plus the fact that they were not allowed to intermarry anyways without converting. SO any jew that married a christian or muslim had to convert first which off course meant their kids wouldn't be jewish. In this way jews were able to maintain their ethnicity through 1900 years of exiles.It is only recently with all this intermarriage in the past 100 years that some new blood has entered judism. first Jews to reach Germany were merchants who went there in the wake of the Roman legions, and settled in the Roman-founded Rhine towns. The earliest detailed record of a Jewish community in Germany, referring to Cologne, is found in imperial decrees issued in 321 and 331 C.E. (2) There were Jews in Russia from the first centuries C.E., although numbers there were small for several centuries. However, Jews emigrated to the Caucasus and beyond, and formed countless communities, at the time of the wars between the Muslims and Persians during the 7th century.(3) Jews arrived in Pannonia (Yugoslavia) and Romania in the Third Century(4), and in Hungary not long after. France also had large numbers of Jews living there from an early period; Objects identified as Jewish because of the menorah portrayed on them have been discovered around Arles (first, fourth and early fifth centuries) and Bordeaux and the neighboring region (third and early fourth centuries) Evidence of Jewish communities is abundant from 465 onwards. Jews were, of course, living in all Mediterranean countries for many centuries B.C.E. and, as has been shown, were living in most other European lands from a very early period. almost all European Jews are descended directly from the Jews of the Bible. Among the Jews there is the class of priests called Cohanim who served in the Temple and who now carry surnames such as "Cohen" and many variations on that name. Cohanim comprise of about 5% of the male Jewish population. There are strict rules of marriage for the Cohanim and the title is only passed through the male line. Also, converts cannot become Cohanim (but their children will be if they have a Cohen as a father). The priestly line is descended directly from the Aaron of the bible so it is expected that all Cohanim would carry some common genetic features. In recently published work (1) it was found that 54% of self-identified Cohanim had common genetic features that were revealed by analysis of their DNA. Specifically, a component of the Y-chromosone, an allele YAP+ DYS19, was identified that showed up only 1.5% of the time in Cohanim but 18.4% of the time in a random selection of non-Cohanim Jews and there were other genetic differences apparent as well. (The same differences were apparent for both Sepphardic and Askhenazic Jews also proving a common origin pre-dating a later split between the two groups.) The large number of Cohanim among present-day Jews and the fact that they have a common genetic lineage traceable to Israel at the time of the Temple, demonstrates that modern Jews come from a population pool derived from Israel since being a Cohen is a male-inherited status which converts could not have obtained.

This post was modified 7 years ago by supervisor

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Does anyone remember that song by mike macdonald that came out in the 80's? The chorus went "all I need is a miracle, all I need is jewsss..." πŸ˜€

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Asians are no different. Only except they don't really "look out" for one-another. My wife's Vietnamese. (parents came from vietnam 20+yrs ago). When her dad/mom needs something done in the house he'll get a Viet contractor to do the work. He only hires Viet landscapers. Viet plumbers, ect, ect... Thinking he/they'll get a better deal from them, rather than hiring someone out of the phonebook like most of us would do. But in the end, he ends up paying at least double what he should have paid.... but he doesn't know any different, because he thinks that ppl who arn't Viet might try to "scam" him and overcharge him. Anyways.... back to the topic at hand. I agree with kapn with the "we should be like jews" idea. But it'll never work b/c America is a cut-throat society, always has been and always will be. It's always been every man for himself, because (if you're not jewish) there's nobody looking out for your family except you.

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kapn that is a good idea, if i ran a biz i would hire all meathead bros, i would just make sure my firewall blocked any sites with the keywords "steroids" and "porn".... cant have the employees fucking around on bolex on our dollar kap! πŸ™‚

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Unfortunately the majority of people today are stupid and very arrogant. They don't appreciate it if you help them out and are too fucking lazy to ever return the favor if they get a chance. They have the attitude that they DESERVE to be helped out and are better than you for the mere reason that they exist. Although... I'm much more inclinded to help out a stranger who obviously lifts than an average person.

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