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Embarrassing moment (memo)

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Hi, guys
I'm so embarrassed last night. Yesterday, Gay guy put stupid memo inside my locker at the gym.
It says "I'd like to suck your d*** blah blah...and phone number"
I throw it to the trash. So embarrassed..............
I'm so embarrassed now. It's disgusting.

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:rofl: Go

So did you want my number again ?

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See what happens when your always smiling gb?

lol hyp

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Thats fucked mate, shouldnt happen.

I'd either confront him or let gym managment know that he's putting notes in guys lockers.

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Sounds like someone was playing a joke GB.

You did the right thing in throwing it in the rubbish. If it happens again, take the note to management and tell them your being harrassed and would like to know what they plan on doing about it.

Or find the guy and strangle him.


A great man once said, "Jam a gram and enjoy the ride".

Active Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 17 could just find the guy and say "sorry mate but I ain't gay".

Still...putting a note in your locker does sound like someone was having a joke

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mmmmmmmmmmmm bg i think its a j/k
no body would do that,specially if they know the result would b a lot of ,if it would happen again ill talk to the manager

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yeah mate its just a joke - like the guys said if it happens again see the management .

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yes mate you are not the only one!I was doin security at this placeone time, i had a note given to me buy this old guy saying. " give me a call sometime" hay just laugh at it.
i must admit i flushed it down the toilet pretty quick.

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Sounds like a joke to me mate. I would just ignore it and report to the gym managemnt if it happens again.

Its this sort of thing that puts a slur on all the gay people who are good human beings. One of my good friends is gay and he is a member of this board. This bloke is one very decent human being and his lifestyle choices are exactly that HIS CHOICES.

All I would say to you GB is dont judge all gay people as a result of this.

Let me ask you something, if a hot chick had put that note in your locker Im sure you would feel differently............



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Posted by: MrAust92
Let me ask you something, if a hot chick had put that note in your locker Im sure you would feel differently............

That's what I was thinking. That's why I said just tell the guy you're not gay and leave it at that. Let's face it, if a woman you weren't interested in tried the same'd say thanks but no thanks. You'd hardly go and punch her lights out

I still reckon it's a joke. I wouldn't worry about it.

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Thanks guys.
I didn't meant to judge all gay people.(original post will be edited) I have to be more carefull with languge that i've chosen next time. I just so embarrassed at the moment
I will follow your advice. I just don't give a shit about it.
Training is really damn import issue for me. I have to eat and train eat and train. no other way

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Posted by: Futile
See what happens when your always smiling gb?

lol hyp

Regarding your post, I just want to make few things clystal clear this time. Souds like a misunderstanding.

First, i don't think my smile is problematic. Of course I'm just a human. so I'm not perfect (personallity)
I smile when I see my mate and talk to people. Becasue I'm happy with them and respect them equally. I never smile at the gym. In other words, I could distinguish business and plesure.
I don't think anything wrong with my smile.

I never ever smile at the gym. Why? I'm fucking serious about training and moving the damn weight. I have to think about next set next reps. Gym is sacret place for me just like a temple.
Gym people never ever see my smile.

Second, I've got to tell ya some of my experience. I had to spend teenager period at the marine corps for about 3 years. I had to train at the base and come back to north side of border for standing a post . We had no chace to go home, It means we're not allow to get out from the Installation couple of years. Yes, my fellow soldiers strated got mad. They fucked each other. I 've been wathcing bunch of crazy shit happens. It was very common accidents that higher ranking guy order fellow soldiers do blowjob at the base or fucked his ass. I was the one who refuse to do crazy shit and knocked my staff sergeant. I investgated by MP couple of days. But they know whole crazy shit happenes at the base all the time. They gave up my case.
I personally had bad experience about this.

Regarding your post,
My Bottom line is I'm not a person who always smiling.
I know differrence between business and pleasure.
i just want to clear up misunderstanding.

-Gb wrote-

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Hey GB, if your dick is as big as the rest of you, find the dickhead, grab him by the throat, and force feed the cocksucking clown....


maybe went to far on this post.....

sorry GB....

Plan B: Ignore the cocksucker.

