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what would you eat IF........

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How far off topic can we get?
Tenn is short for Tennasee Right?
I understand your desire to educate those who do not eat well, It drives me mad too. However the question was a theoretical and you came in boots and all on a personal level. no need for that. I love your passion, we all share that, but some have different viewpoints and in the end that is what makes this place special.
And this whole debate raises the question, what role DOES the food we eat today play in our training intensity. (not yesterdays or tommorows meals)
What is the lowest common denominator not the highest.

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S2K whats the deal with being suspended? .......

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fair point monsta.....

from my limited experience..... I pack on the weight, lose the most fat, when I go ballistic and eat anything..... forget calcualting calories etc.... I just eat as much as I can....train/shoot

when I look back on those eating sessions and do some sums, I generally have stayed within acceptable limits anyway....

BTW: with Maccas..... what percentage of the fat is unsaturated?
and if you get fuck all salt from anywhere else, is it a problem?
Do we restrict carbs too much and focus on protein? I gain best when I eat lots of carbs with lots of protein????

But then I am just a cranky old fart.......

adam ryan
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you are just like me sanctum.
if i lower the carbs i put on weight slowly even on cycle, if i eat carbs well i pack on again and my strength goes up as a result.
it was a misconception i had going into the last cycle which ive learned from for the next! i was eating very little carbs and focussed only on protein. always low enery levels and never peaking.

thanks guys (and you too musclechick)

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it's pretty simple really if you train at your best intensity for as long as you can you will burn a lot of fuell. so (within reason) you can eat what you want. it has been my experience that 90% of BBers overtrain not becuase they train too much but becuase they eat too little.
try eating 4 chicken breast fillets ans half a jar of penut butter, see how full you feel, then do that four more times, intermittently throwing in a steak and shake.
NOW your eating enough calories to fuel a two hour workout four days a week, in fact you are eating and training like Robby, Lou, Arnie, franco, et al, you may even end up looking like them.
what i am saying is Calories in must be more than calories out before you can grow.

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Your welcome AR good thread - interesting to see what debates often develop! Just shows how much attention some of us pay to our diets. If I have to travel out of town it used to be a panic, still is to a certain degree and I take quite a lot with me so I don't get caught out. When I go through security at the airport its a bit of a joke - they are used to seeing me with my rolled oats, protein powder, bars, vitamins etc ...... LOL

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well said Monsta....

My only real problem with this BB caper... is eating..... fullstop.

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you and me both mate....
I figure I LOVE to train so i had better eat to fuel it. at the moment i contest diet two days and eat as much as i can stuff in fon the third.
The proof will be in sept when i step on stage again. i'm hoping for a 2 k muscle gain over 20 weeks of comp prep. i don't call it dieting anymore otherwise i end up eating like a refugee.

adam ryan
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for me sometimes im working privately and others im doing the job i do casual,
and just occassionaly maybe im short the cash i usually have in my bag for food that i usually eat, or have already eaten all the food i brang with me, and time has passed on the road doing a delivery or what ever and traiffic stuffs it up even worse and the boss needs the ute for something else and hes calling you "where TF are you!" and im starving
fuck it there maccas ........................................blwwwwttttt berrrrrrrp. ahhhhhhhh!

you know what im saying

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Posted by: mally454
With an attitude like that, and bullshit stats like that, you should be on the main forum. You sure you're not from the States? You got a 19 inch cock and 46 inch biceps?

lol, yeah when I read his post I was thinking he must be american.

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