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Diet Tips - ?

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Tiny Aussie
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OK, I know as long as you get enough protien, it doesn't matter whether it comes from supplements or foods, but when trying to eat, 6 meals everyday, one every two hours or so does it matter if you eat ALL day, ya know - bikkie here, cheese there, donought here, and a sandwich there inbetween regular meals, or does it specifically have to be small meals, allocated throughout the day ?

I see plans for meals @ breakie, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack with protien shakes throughout, but what about jst always eating, even nuts & can's of tuna ....... ?

In other words, does there need to be a time gap between meals for digestion ect, does your metabolism recognise or change according to times your gut is full, or simply he quantity of food throughout your day ?

You see, if it does matter, I will save all these snacks and shakes and foods for set times, like, 8 - 10 - 12 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 and so on.


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I will get criticised for this, but I have NEVER had an eating plan when bulking. All I do is make sure I get in the amount of protein that I require, eat, drink protein shakes as often as I can, and if I have room for snacks, it's a bonus.

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Posted by: mally454
I will get criticised for this, but I have NEVER had an eating plan when bulking. All I do is make sure I get in the amount of protein that I require, eat, drink protein shakes as often as I can, and if I have room for snacks, it's a bonus.

Mally... no criticism from me mate... I too never have an eating plan when bulking... bar getting in the protein... I follow a very similar regime as you...

Tiny Aussie
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I will get criticised for this, but I have NEVER had an eating plan when bulking. All I do is make sure I get in the amount of protein that I require, eat, drink protein shakes as often as I can, and if I have room for snacks, it's a bonus.

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In other words, does there need to be a time gap between meals for digestion ect, does your metabolism recognise or change according to times your gut is full, or simply he quantity of food throughout your day ?

The latter is all that really matters. Eat enough through the day = gain weight. Eat less than you need = lose weight.

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I have a basic diet plan but it's more of a guide line than anything set in stone.

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Just work it around your 3 main meals , breaky , lunch & dinner . Add say 3-4 healthy snack meals and maybe a couple of shakes . bingo ! 3000+ cals, add suppliments to taste and exercise = growth. But I realy think the main thing is to get 3 wholesome meals a day as a base , meat & vegies rule !!


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guys, i have another point of view on this .
IMO and from my own experience,1st we dont have to plan the meals ,i agree with that but i dont preffer to keep eating with out a a gap of 2 hours min between meals, simply cause the inzymes ersponsible for metaboising the protien r acids and it will take good 45 min-1hr to break the protien food into amino's so by keep eating this means ur body will keep releasing this acid and just emagine when u stop ur loading what will happen to ur stomach or even at night!!!
from 2 years i had ulcer at a very serious condition cuase of my diet when bulking ,i guess it differs from one to another but 4me now i try to eat when i get hungry (every 3 hours ) or so .so i give my body the enough time to rest between meals and any way every time we eat should keep ur body in anabolic state for 3 hours roughly so no need to eat more frequently ,if u wana do something to help in keeping ur body in anabolic state try protien sustain release b4 bed it should help a lot or wake up and eat.cheers

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I believe the most important time to eat is post training. I have been slack with my diet lately, not eating every 2hrs as such and eating 3-4 times a day but i am religious with my post training meals. I hammer down pro + carbs shake straight after finishing, then 1hr later i eat dinner, another hour later i slam down a shake before bed. So far in 3-4 weeks i've gone from 78-79 up to 82-83 and getting much stronger. However i think it will get to a point when you get very big and you really have to make sure you eat on the dot or else your growth stagnates.

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Posted by: Tiny Aussie
OK, I know as long as you get enough protien, it doesn't matter whether it comes from supplements or foods,


I would have to disagree with that as i feel that it is much better to get your protein requirements from food rather than supps although they do have a role to play.And there are also better protein sources than others as your body absorbes them better...Just my humble opinion

Tiny Aussie
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Lots to think about, thanks ana_11, with my intake of ibuprofen and daily eating thaty's some cause for concern. And Real1ty I'm gonna look into that. I always though as "test is test", "protiens are protiens", maybe someone can elaborate ?

And BEEF, I'm gonna buy one of these 7" target="_blank" rel="noopener">;=167 0" target="_blank" rel="noopener">;=50
to get my post workout shakes, as I have been giving it 3/4 of an hour with only water after my workouts, lthough they only last about an hour nowadays.

Cheers for the reply's fellas, knew I could come here


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LOL! Cans of Tuna and nuts?? (I love my dry roasted almonds)
r u on my mass gain diet?

Great minds think alike


Tiny Aussie
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I'm on a "All you can eat Buffet" allday, everyday diet


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Posted by: Tiny Aussie
I always though as "test is test", "protiens are protiens", maybe someone can elaborate ?

The difference between the different Testosterone esters is just the ester. The ester is something attached to the testosterone to make it stay in the blood stream longer. So different esters stay in the body for different amounts of time.

Proteins are made from amino acids. Different protein sources have different levels of each amino acid. Protein from some sources, like from vegetables, lacks some of the amino acids. Amino acids are used by the body for all types of things, including muscle building.

There is a difference between different sources in terms of digestion but it only a small percentage difference.

The advantage of real food over supplements is that it contains other nutrients your body needs.

Different proteins have different digestion rates. Whey protein, for example, is digested more quickly than milk protein (casein). Eating protein with or from food will slow its digestion.

Tiny Aussie
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Mmm thanks durakelt1.

I guess in a sense, protiens are protiens as test is test is, considering the ester chain differs them, just as protiens amino combination does ?

btw-what is you preferred protien source, and is it what you are practising ?


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