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Supps for cycling (aside from the obvious "supps")

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Feli Fly
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Hey, bros... (hypothetical) sust250/deca200 this fall with clomid PCT and novla on hand for gyno... these are my ideas so far for OTC supps:

-Whey...duh; used year round
-Multivitamin... same: always take them anyways, so they're a fixture
-Creatine... for post cycle gain retention while on the clomid
-Glucosamine + chondroitin... help prevent injury due to intensity (the deca should help also )
-B-complex?... just to help to make sure I have enough
-B5... preventative for acne from sust

Am I missing anything or wasting $ on anything that's not nescessary?

Any feedback here would be awesome and greatly appreciated

Feli Fly
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Posted by: BigWill
Replace the multi vitamin with C-Silver. The creatine will cause you to think about that. Clomid will do a much better job.

Thanks... I'll look into C-Silver and check it out...

I should've mentioned (just edited above)... I will be doing clomid PCT and have Novla on hand... I was just asking about OTC supps here...

Clomid and creatine both is cool right, or does just clomid cut it?

Feli Fly
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Posted by: P.T.B.W
dont forget liver supplements if you using lots of orals.

I am not... I chose not to use Dbol because of sides and vet opinions about it on a first cycle... and secondarily, added cost.

BTW... in case I choose to use orals in the future, what are "liver supps"? ...ALA from my limited knowledge, but I haven't really researched them much because I'm not taking oral AS...

Thanks for the help.
