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Staying on shit

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I am a wrestler at college and I box(amature). My workout regimen is pretty arduas as you would imagine. I also lift 3 times a week, 45 minutes each workout. I use Mentzer's routine in his second book "mind and body". I found it very hard to get big and strong naturally. I did my first cycle 2 years ago. it was
sustanon 250, 1 shot per week, 6 weeks
deca 200mg per week 8weeks
Got huge. 30lbs:-) Retained about 5lbs:-(
After i crashed, i asked this dude what to do. He said he takes sust 250 every 2 weeks to maintain. I did the same thing as him then. I'm on all the time. Every few months i do a cycle to get big. my second cycle was:
sustanon 500 for 6 weeks
D-ball 2 a day 4 weeks
400 deca 8 weeks
Winstrol tabs 50mg last 4weeks
gained 40 lbs. retained 17lbs:-)
3 months later I did
Sustanon 500 8 weeks
deca 600 8 weeks
3 d-balls a day, 1st 4 weeks
gained 25 lbs retained 10
my last cycle was 4months later
Sustanon 500 1st 3 weeks
4 d-balls a day 1st 4 weeks
Deca 600 10 weeks
sustanon 750 4th-9th week
winstrol-V 25mg last 4 weeks
gained 33 lbs retained 12lbs
that was 3 months ago. remember, i am always on sustanon, 1 shot every 2 weeks to maintain. Now i also added 200mg deca with it, for my joints. So, what would be good for my next cycle? Should i use a harsher Testosterone like cypionate or ethanate, or just keep increasing the sustanon? My training partner thinks im a little loony. He doesn't know too much about steroids. He keeps sayin im gonna die. I feel fine. What do you think?

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I've got a much better advice for keeping the gains, the best way to keep your gains is to do a cycle and then a post-cycle. The main cycle (depends on the gear) can be done 6-12 wks, i don't recommend to stay on longer cause it's very hard to restore your natural test-levels after a cycle above 12 weeks...
after your last week you start immediately with chlomid and HCG (hcg can also be done mid-cycle), also clen is a good anticatibolic product (but it will reduce your body weight, but that reduce is a good one cause it's most of all only water and fat that's reduced).

The way you're doing your cycle is not good for your natural test-levels, if you quit your cycle now then you'll never/hardly be able to restore your test. levels without any precaution. Also the gaining effects / gainkeeping effects of sustanon will disappear on a constant dose for such a long time

So for how long have you been on now? Do you have any sides? How are your "balls" hanging? How's your sex-drive?
If you've been longer on then 16 weeks now you'd better come off. OR the other possibility is to continue your cycle and come off after 30 weeks and then do a post cycle of 12 weeks and after that a 20 week gearstop, but I won't do that if i were you.

What's your age and your stats?
please read my advice carefully cause it will prevent you from a lot of sides you'll get later on


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if you don't want to have children and you have a lifetime supply i'm sure you'll be fine.

I think you would achieve better results from sticking with a single ester test and following post cycle therapy hcg,clomid,nolva.

(@Anonymous 293)
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Given you're in college, I'd assume you're in your 20's at the oldest. You definitely do NOT want to be on supplemental test all the time. That's a strategy for older (>50) guys and a few top echelon competitors. As others have said, you want to cycle off the gear entirely using Clomid and tamoxifen. You can also use HCG, though it isn't always so easy to find. 

It sounds like you are retaining water from the Deca, given you lose significant weight even when you stay on Sustanon (a mix of different testosterone esters with varying half-lives). Even though Deca is great for bulking and joint pain, try keeping the Deca low, 200-250 mg/week. I am partial to Test (enanthate or cypionate which are two long acting esters) and EQ (Equipoise or boldenone). This should give you a lean bulk. You say you box and wrestle, so you want to keep your weight as dry as possible. Muscle with as little water and fat as possibly, to make a lighter weight class and yet be the most muscular in that class. If you want to kickstart things for the first 4 weeks with an oral, that's fine, though most of them make you retain water. 

Winstrol is a cutting steroid, mostly used for competition, or if you needed to make a weight class, at the end of your cycle, it would be useful for that as well. Just be aware it has high liver toxicity. (Intramuscular or oral) You should be on something like Milk Thistle while you're on it. 

I'm not big on Deca, though some guys are. I can see it's advantage when you're starting as it has some rapid acting Test, but after a couple of weeks, that advantage is gone. A lot of guys will switch to Test propionate (a fast acting testosterone as opposed to cypionate or enanthate) as they get close to competition as general consensus is that you retain less water with prop than with enan or cyp. 

So, I'd suggest Test cyp or enan 500/week, EQ 500/wk, and Deca 200-250/wk, and run them for 12 weeks. As I said, if you want to run an oral for the first 4 weeks, sure. Skip the Winstrol at the end,. That's a pretty hefty cycle, especially for someone on his 5th cycle.

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hey bud more power to you.......... i was on for 2 years and i felt fine......i alternated between shots and tabs and then bridging periods..i took dbal in mornings 4 pinkis a day
its probably good to take some time off, but it is not necessary
look up bridge on the search option
good luck

Killer Quads81
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I am gonna do bridges b/w cycles for a year or so and see how it works out. No desire to bother w/ the rollercoaster rides anymore. Dont stay on forever, but I dont see a problem w/ running a handfull of back to back cycles, esecialy seems you are a competative athleate.
