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Possible First Cycl...
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Posted by: mac83
150mg/wk winny-v weeks 1-7
200mg/wk Primobolan depot weeks 1-7
clomid start week 7
weeks 8 and 9 clen

i've been up in the air between 200 and 300 with the primo, cause it's gonna be pricey, since it's a first cycle i've been told 200 should be fine. it's gonna be more of a cutting cycle. thoughts?

u said ponderer is the one who gave u this, i think he got confused and was thinking about a cycle his wife took cuz that wont do shit for u
save ur money or bump that up
winnys half life is 9 hours, u need 50mg/ed or its a waste, primo needs to be run at 400mg minimum


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actually i might be wrong but i think it's something he's running himself...don't quote me on it

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Posted by: mac83
150mg/wk winny-v weeks 1-7
200mg/wk Primobolan depot weeks 1-7
clomid start week 7
weeks 8 and 9 clen

i've been up in the air between 200 and 300 with the primo, cause it's gonna be pricey, since it's a first cycle i've been told 200 should be fine. it's gonna be more of a cutting cycle. thoughts?

u said ponderer is the one who gave u this, i think he got confused and was thinking about a cycle his wife took cuz that wont do shit for u
save ur money or bump that up
winnys half life is 9 hours, u need 50mg/ed or its a waste, primo needs to be run at 400mg minimum


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actually i might be wrong but i think it's something he's running himself...don't quote me on it

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I'm currently doin' 1 cc (50 mg's) of some bomb-ass winny(brown glass amps from Europe) every other day, along with 2 iu's of Serostim before bed every night. It's workin' wonders. I could very likely be in my best shape ever by mid-June on it.

Here's the thing...Mac's never done a cycle before, and he's wanting to get in shape for summer. Regardless of his dosage, he's not going to put on a huge amount of muscle this summer without eating to stay full all day long. With these dosages and these compounds, he's gonna have all the benefits of juice that are possible under such circumstances. If he did ANYTHING else, he'd carry at least 5-10 pounds of water, which would negate alot of his hard-earned fat loss.

My wife doesn't use winny. I don't believe ANY chick should. I don't understand why girls can't leave the shit alone even after told what it'll do to them, and what it inevitably DOES do to them.

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ur first cycle should always have test in it
get some Test Prop and run that at 500mg/week(for 13 weeks)
get some EQ and run that at 400mg/week(for 10 weeks)
fuck that primo- way too expensive and is very weak as far as gains are concerned, eq is much better and cheaper
then weeks 7-13 winny 50mg/ed


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Posted by: stivard
ur first cycle should always have test in it
get some test prop and run that at 500mg/week(for 13 weeks)
get some eq and run that at 400mg/week(for 10 weeks)
fuck that primo- way too expensive and is very weak as far as gains are concerned, eq is much better and cheaper
then weeks 7-13 winny 50mg/ed

I don't think you understand Mac's goals here. Additionally, who the fuck said "ur first cycle should always have test in it," anyway? You? And oh yeah...leave money out. Looking good is priceless.

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i'm not trying to gain that much parents are suspicious enough (i'm 20 but still live at home) and they have accused me of juicing when i havent even done a cycle...not that i really care but it's shit i'd rather not deal with. besides i think i'd rather run the heavier cycle in the fall when i can cover up any bloat with a sweater.

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prop isnt very heavy if ur on a diet to cut up, prop is great for cutting and as a bonus ull dick will luv u instead of hating u


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yea, but my ass cheeks will be hating me plus i'm doing this with a friend whose gonna need me to show him how to do the shots and everything, with the jobs i hold over the summer, doing shots everyday will def. be a problem, whereas EOD is more manageable.

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and if my dill starts hating me i'll get some cialis.

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this has turned into the dumbest thread I have ever seen. mac, look at the responses you got- they all agree except for one...

bro, this is the CYCLE forum. the advice you get in here is from bro's who spend alot of time researching and testing by trial and error.

2 iu's of gh is a waste- and not everyone on this board is a hardcore BB'er like ponderer. some of us are doctors, chemists, trainers, etc.

do what you want, but usually if one opinion deviates from 5 or 6 others, the answer is clear. be careful who you take your advice from bro.


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to be totally honest i am listening and i will prolly adjust the cycle somewhat. whether it be upping the primo or maybe adding the prop, or making the winny ed. once i assess my funds and costs i will make that decision. i'll let yas know what i do and how it goes. don't get pissy if i just don't agree with everything you say, I am listening and hearing everything that's been said. and i do thank you all for commenting. most likely up in the air between the prop or the winny ED, bumping up the primo is gonna kick my wallet in the nuts...we'll see though. thank again

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btw, don't knock ponderer the guy knows his shit. i am careful who i take my advice from.

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listen, mac. i know what u r sayin cuz i am in the same boat as u. i am 20 and i live wit my parents. the only thing u need to cover up any suspision is a bottle of andro, creatine + eca. it explains all possible sides, and they will only give u shit about that stuff.

second, these guys know what they are talkin about. they help out countless people every day. hell, it's fucking stivard's job to help your ass with solid advice. if u insist on askin other peeps' opinions only to not listen, u r makin a big mistake. regardless of what we say, u r gonna do what u want to do anyway. what works for ponderer may not work for u, just remember that. why don't u just do what he says and see what happens. when u drop $1000 and see minimal results, u will feel like asmacked ass and will try it our way. it may take u the hard way to learn, but as long as u do learn, thats what's important. then, when u come to your senses, ask us for cycle help again

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