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Oral Winny Only Cyc...
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Oral Winny Only Cycle???

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Due to travel for work and other constraints...I am planning on taking a oral winny only cycle since traveling on airplanes with my injectables is something that I have no desire to do.

I would like to run 100mg for about 10-12 weeks. I know that I should use a test along with it...but I am just not able to right now with the amount of travel that I will be undertaking this summer. I am a little worried about joint pain and I know that some people get it and some don't. I have ran 50mg a week, but never 100mg.

So I guess what I am wondering is what length of time I would be safe running 100mg every day? Should I start out at 50mg and work up to 100mg after a few weeks? FYI...I will be taking clomid daily throughout.

Thanks Bros....


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4-6 weeks 100mg ed you may end up with very painful joints. If you do, back off to 50 and see if you can stand that.

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I would split the difference and maybe do 75mg instead of 100 and if you have not problems than kick it up to 100 if you feel you need to. A little rough on the organs.

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I have successfully run 100mg winny orally a day for 6 weeks. I would not go any longer than that or your joints will feel like your 80 years old.


**THe author in no way condones the use, sale or purchase of illegal substances. This information is for entertainment purposes only.

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I agree with the 6 weeks, I did 75mg for 6 weeks, by week 5 my joints ached like an old man's

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yeah, you said you were thinking about 10-12 weeks, thats way too long to be on winny. make sure you watch your liver values also even if its only 6 weeks if you're taking 100mg's everyday.

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no more than 6 weeks
not good for ur liver either
i luv 100mg of winny only cycles
on one right now but with var


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Stivard what kind of gains do u get on Only Winny cycles?

I was supposed to do a Eq,Test,Winny and IP masteron cycle......but something has come up,so i have only 6 weeks to do a cycle
Im considering to do 100-200mg Winny ED for 6 weeks.
Do u think that will help transform my body?

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im the same weight i was when i started 2 weeks ago
but ive lost fat and put on some size on a low carb diet
i fuckin luv it


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interesting... after reading this thread i was wondering if one were to do a winny cycle or add winny to a cycle dose it matter if you use tabs orally or use the injectable orally??? i know for me i can get the injectable alot cheaper than the tabs...

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i am almost 1 week into my winny and notice some good gains. i look harder already, strength is good, and i feel like i am losing bf. winny is good shit! shoulder and elbow joints starting to ache but am using plenty of glucosamine, which works wonders for me. if you haven't used it try it.


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Guys what about 200mg Winny ED?
Is that to much?

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200mg is alot. Most only do 50 mg. 100 is pushing it. 200 mg in my opinion is over the top.


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yeah 200/ a day is a little much, how long will you be running it? if you're not seeing results taking 100/day then if you have too up the dosage but if 100mg / day isn't working then its probably fake.

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Guys when do u start seeing the results from Winny?
by that i mean when do i notice the muscle hardness?

As for 200mg Winny.....i dont know if i will do gonna wait until i am 3 weeks in to the cycle

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