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First time Fina

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Hey bros.....

This is the first time im going to use fina and my overll second question is is 75 every day too much for my first time with fina ive herd people doing 50 first...but i want results

i plan on doing it with 500 mg of cyp and 400mg fo deca for 9weeks ...also its ok to do fina and deca together with these dosages right?

thank guys i need to get this started....

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If you are going to use it with the cyp and deca, 50mg would be fine...that's one hell of a second cycle. I think that Fina has alot of the same sides as deca, so you might even want to back the deca down to 300mg or you'll be fighting some serious deca dick.

(@Anonymous 293)
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Tren (fina) is pretty strong with significant sides. You sweat like a pig, and tend to get very emotional. Also, it's really hard on your cholesterol, dropping your HDL (the good one) and boosting LDL (the bad one). It's really for a lean bulk or a cutting cycle, whereas Deca is definitely for a bulking cycle with adding a lot of mass, up to half of it being water. You're doing tren acetate at 50 mg/day. (As opposed to Tren enanthate.) A lot of people dose it every other day, and 75 mg EOD would be a good dose to start with. (And it will be easier to draw up since it's usually at a 75 mg/mL concentration.) At that dose, you'll gain a lot of strength. Just watch out for Tren cough. A couple of times I thought I would die, from coughing. I've switched to the enanthate. Same effects, but no cough.

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75mg ED is possible, but i'd recommend 75mg EOD or 50mg ED cause fina will give you some buggy sides, mention me I'm on 75mg eod and I'm very agressive and irritated at the moment, normally i can hold myself but now if someone stands in my way i will kick his ass. I like EQ with fina better then deca with fina but that's my opinion. The deca dick is not a side that's bugging me , i'm horny whole day good luck

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your cycle sounds fine except IMO you're not running deca long enough.. usually takes 3,4,5 weeks to kick in.... how long are you running the fina? with fina particurly your first time around try tapering up the dosage.. that should control any 'finatude' issue.. start @ � cc/ed for 1-2 weeks then bump it up to 1cc/ed for the rest of your cycle or if you're feeling bold bump it up to 1�cc after anoth 1-2 weeks..

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Posted by: BEEF EATER
Hey bros.....

This is the first time im going to use fina and my overll second question is is 75 every day too much for my first time with fina ive herd people doing 50 first...but i want results

i plan on doing it with 500 mg of cyp and 400mg fo deca for 9weeks ...also its ok to do fina and deca together with these dosages right?

thank guys i need to get this started....

Everyone is different. Third cycle for me, 75mg ED Tren, 600 mg wk wonders. I have upped the Tren before to 150 mg ED and used Dbol in last falls cycle for bulking and just have settled on the above as a good overall cycle for me (at 12 wks) with few side effects. When I boosted my Tren I had bad night sweats (now very mild), cough and acne which I never get. No temper problem here though. The Cyp takes care of the "deca dick" problem (in my case Fina)....good luck bro.

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Deca and fina are both progesterone derivative steroids. Don't take both together. (I haven't used both together for what it's worth) but I feel they should not be combined. Just like Anadrol and deca should not be combined. Try maybe EQ or winny instead of deca.

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.How much fina would you guys recommend to take with
the EQ. Lets say 400MG EQ/week?

The fina'tude I can handle but what about the hair loss?

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Alright im game for switching the deca to EQ should i hit 300 or 400 eq then...

im still not clear wheather 75mg ed is too much, i want to do ED not eod so maybe 50 would be better for first time? i just dont want to wast juice if u can getthe same with less mg and not have to go even higher next cycle

thanks again bros

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yeah bro 400 mg wk eq. try the Tren At 50 ed and if you feel its necessary bump it up,just go everyday with it

You can always tell an Irishman,but you cant tell him much!

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Posted by: creashark
Deca and fina are both progesterone derivative steroids. Don't take both together. (I haven't used both together for what it's worth) but I feel they should not be combined. Just like anadrol and deca should not be combined. Try maybe EQ or winny instead of deca.

wrong! deca can cause progesterone gyno, fina effects prolactin production.. many, many guys have ran both together and haven't had any problems.. fina induced gyno imo is a myth..

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does eq take a few weeks to kick in like deca does?

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eq 4-5 weeks..

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If you did beefeaters cycle, how long would it take to see results..

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fina kicks in quickly.. should start to feel stronger 1-2 weeks.. btw fina agression seems to be less of an issue when taken ed..

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