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i didn't say that 4plates is giving you good advice on your cycle. maybe he didn't give you any advice, what i said was that he know's his shit!

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all together how many years have you been training.

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Hmm, probably in total, 6-7yrs? I think.


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Ok bio for you some back ground on me.
Within my first three and a half yrs of training i went from 135 to 235 reaching 180 in the first yr. Now surely that shows atleast a little research and dedication and should make feel a little better about what i am about to say.....

Now i use and many others also 10 mgs of dball after a cycle for the first three wks just to counteract the catabolic hormones that your body floods it self with when ya come off a cycle. Thats all 10 mg is good for with me.

Now you on the other hand if this is your first cycle yes a Dbol only cycle is fine. i will say and many will agree that test is a better first cycle due to personal experience ....not scientific evidence as doctors just found out yesterday that AS helps to build muscle.

However i would suggest 25 - 30 mgs per day and only for 6 wks tops and this mainly due to the harshness of orals on the liver but since this type dosage by itself won't really hurt you i suggest no more than 6 wks because personally i don't get any results at all from any oral after 6 wks and i actually don't use them for more 4 wks.

So my suggestion is to bump it up to 25 or 30mgs and either go 6 wks on or do 4 wks on 4 wks off and use clomid in between untill ya run out.

Now i notice you said you reapping some benefits from 10mg a day already. Great. I wish i could see results from that.
That 10mg per day is simply stopping your body from producing it's normal catabolic hormone supply. Which in return is letting you add more muscle which in return is giving you more strenght.

Good luck and BTW 4plates and security do happen to posess good knowledge on AS useage. I think ya just took their posts the wrong way.

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Yes, maybe I did get their posts wrong. Not all that good in english am I.

Since I can get my hands really quick on Dbol and clomid, I can change the dose within a week or so. But before I decide to increase the dosage further, Iīll give this another week or 2.

As long as I can gain from this dose, that is. Otherwise Iīll follow your advice.

Since everyone states that their first time gives them the most, I wouldnīt want to miss that either.


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Posted by: Biomedicin
Not to be rude to you too, but for how long have you been lifting?

Iīve been lifting for more than 10yrs, knows pretty much about both nutrition and training.

But thanks for caring. And yes, I will tell You what I get of this.

You have to excuse me. Getting really f*cking mad about primo30, 4plates, security1769, flaming away their f*cking own opinions without backing it up, or at least give a somewhat intelligent reason why I should not do 10mg Dbol ed.


Not to be rude, but how long have you been juicing?
It doesn't matter how long you've been lifting, using gear is a whole other ball game. Every scientist does tests, ever ask yourself why they get different results? Variables, that's why. Some of it's genetics, some of it's training, alot of it's diet. But you knew all of this, didn't you. Lifting for 10 years? You must be HUGE, right? If not, then you might want to go back to researching diet and training.

When you introduce gear to someone who has never done it, the effects are better than someone who has done it for years. So it doesn't really matter how long you have been lifting.

For a starter, 10-15mg might be ok, but it won't last unless you do it only once a year.


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nicely put shortz.

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nicely put shortz.

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Posted by: shortz
Not to be rude, but how long have you been juicing?
It doesn't matter how long you've been lifting, using gear is a whole other ball game. Every scientist does tests, ever ask yourself why they get different results? Variables, that's why. Some of it's genetics, some of it's training, alot of it's diet. But you knew all of this, didn't you. Lifting for 10 years? You must be HUGE, right? If not, then you might want to go back to researching diet and training.

When you introduce gear to someone who has never done it, the effects are better than someone who has done it for years. So it doesn't really matter how long you have been lifting.

For a starter, 10-15mg might be ok, but it won't last unless you do it only once a year.


Hmm, I think I said that Dbol, was my first time on gear. And I havenīt been training completely for 10yrs. I had a 2yr break a couple of yrs ago. Didnīt loose a lbs, nor any strenght. When I started my weight was around 72-74kg. Now itīs 88kg. Well, if you think I should be huge, then Iīm not.

Iīve learned about training and nutrition by myself, so it was a little bit of personal reasearch on my own. But if you think putting on 5-8kg of muscle is a poor result, well, then I guess it is. Canīt blame anyone for my results, itīs my own.

But like I said, I started this thread for a conversation, didnīt think you guys would flame me because your opinions were that I havenīt done any research, before I started the dbols. There a more threads that explains why 10mg dbol ed in the morning, is a perfect way for a beginner to start, Fonz bridge advice isnīt the only one. And, I simply was recommended by other mods and experienced juicers that I should runs this, they all thought that it would give me great results.

So, what differs them from you, donīt we all have access to the same internet? Same research, and so on? Why does some of you think that itīs a bad idea with 10mg ed?


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Posted by: Biomedicin
Hmm, I think I said that Dbol, was my first time on gear. And I havenīt been training completely for 10yrs. I had a 2yr break a couple of yrs ago. Didnīt loose a lbs, nor any strenght. When I started my weight was around 72-74kg. Now itīs 88kg. Well, if you think I should be huge, then Iīm not.

Iīve learned about training and nutrition by myself, so it was a little bit of personal reasearch on my own. But if you think putting on 5-8kg of muscle is a poor result, well, then I guess it is. Canīt blame anyone for my results, itīs my own.

But like I said, I started this thread for a conversation, didnīt think you guys would flame me because your opinions were that I havenīt done any research, before I started the dbols. There a more threads that explains why 10mg dbol ed in the morning, is a perfect way for a beginner to start, Fonz bridge advice isnīt the only one. And, I simply was recommended by other mods and experienced juicers that I should runs this, they all thought that it would give me great results.

So, what differs them from you, donīt we all have access to the same internet? Same research, and so on? Why does some of you think that itīs a bad idea with 10mg ed?


Didn't flame bud, just gave my opinion. Read my first post again. I simply stated that 10-15mg might be ok the first or second time, after that you may have to bump it up. This is because your body has never been exposed to gear and you will be very susseptable to the effects.

If you didn't lose any weight and you are just as strong, that means in two years of not lifting, you didn't lose any muscle. So, this means that in the 10 years of lifting you only gained 8kg(18lbs) of muscle. I did that in my first 4 months.

As far as your research goes, you have what's called tunnel vision. You did a LITTLE research(remember, we all use the same internet, most information kills your theory) It sounds good because of being able to get out of all of the precautionary measures, spending the least amount of money, and you will still come out on top. Sounds like an infomercial to me. Alot of info states that after 6 weeks of dbol usage, the effects dramatically decrease and your are just setting yourself up for a crash when you come off.

You obviously posted your cycle here for opinions, otherwise you wouldn't have cared or posted. You bit back at me so here is my opinion. As far as flaming goes, I haven't. I am merely defending myself after your response to my post. I am stubborn too. I do some things the way I want, but there are just a few things that I follow in order to stay ahead, like my diet and routine. I started at 158 13% and now I am 194 15% all in 6 months. I have also trained on and off for a couple years, but decided to get serious. Here I am. Real info. Real experience. Real results. I'm still natty too I have spent the last 4 months researching gear so I have the facts straight. How long have you researched?


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