i was reading that its a good idea to site inject into the muscle group you are working out that day (increased blood flow helps circulate the gear and get rid of pain) so does that mean (example) put all 250mg of enath into one shoulder or try to split that in half.... of course i'm a newbie at this so dont knock me too hard
It realy does not matter. In the past I would split it just to have an equally good pump in each muscle, but now I only do it w/ my delts, and no other body parts. I inject every day, so I would run out of spots quik I f I split them all the time.
Site injections are primarily reserved for short acting gear such as prop, fina, winny. Test enan will not cause any localized growth. You would have to split up the shot either unless you're putting more than 1 ml in at a time. You shouldn't inject more than 1 ml at a time into delts, bi's, tri's, pecs.
You are correct in saying that increased blood flow and working out that body part (which actually just increases blood flow) will aid in absorption and reduce the pain. Massaging the area will also help. However, you shouldn't be experiencing pain from test enan.
Fixing mistake in previous reply.
You WOULDN'T have to split up the shot unless you are doing more than one ml at a time.
sorry about that.
waht he said
Fixing mistake in previous reply.You WOULDN'T have to split up the shot unless you are doing more than one ml at a time.
sorry about that.
Lots of guys have no problem doing 2-3 cc's into bis, tris, delts, etc..
Yes 2-3 cc's are possible in those areas but is not recommended as they are smaller muscle groups. This comes from any text book that i have ever read.