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i just picked up my Clenbutaxyl. i have 100 20mg pills. i just don't know how to use this stuff. i believe i heard one pill a day for 2weeks on then 2 weeks off?

i am about 6'5" 275ish. pretty much lost all my muscle and just looking to lose some weight. i play basketball once a week and it is pretty intense. i was wondering if i should do some cardio prior to taking the Clenbutaxyl to see better weight loss results?

what my goal is to be ripped. not too much into getting gigantic anymore, but i just wanna get toned up and ready for the summer. after i lose the wieght i'm going to take a winny/EQ stack. which i don't lose the weight i won't see any results.

so if someone could please tell me how to start off my cycle, it would help out extremly.....thanks

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2weeks on 2weeks off gives me the best results
day 1-14
1 40mcg (2 tabs)
2 80mcg (4 tabs)
3 120mcg (6tabs)
4 160mcg
5-14 160mcg (8 tabs)

I built up to 200mcg ED but check if you can handle the sides@160mcg else go back to 120
you can do Xenadrine rfa-1 in the off weeks (4-8 caps a day)

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isn't that a little bit too much? i only take it twice? for a total of for weeks? should i start doing more cardio now, or just start the cardio when i take the Clenbutaxyl?

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i want to get this straight. i have 100 20mg pills. for the first 2 weeks i take the entire 100 pills then i take two weeks off and thats it????

or am i going to need like 200 pills?

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you have to find your maximum that your body can resist, if your central nervous system (CNS) is irritated, you get shaky and vibrating hands. So you have to lower the dose then. My maxmimum is 200mcg ed, when i first was on clenbuterol i used a maximum of 140mcg ed., So you need 200 tablets.

Do it for 8 weeks so 4 weeks clen, 4 weeks xenadrine rfa-1


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ok. but i still do the two weeks on, two weeks off routine?

because i found this cycle:

week 1: day 1&2 20mg. day 3-5 40mg. day 6&7 60mg.
week 2: day 1&2 60mg. Day 3-5 80mg. day 6&7 100mg.
weeks 3&4 ECA stack.
week 5: day 1-7 40mgs.
week 6: day 1&2 80mg. day3-5 100mg. day 6&7 120mg
weeks 7&8 ECA stack
week 9: day 1-3 60mg. day 4-6 80mg. day 7 100mg.
week 10: day 1&2 100mg. day 3-5 120mg. day 6&7 140mg

it's pretty much the same, but i ease myself into it and not jump right in.

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the only thing that i really need to know is if i should start doing hard cardio immediately when starting my Clenbutaxyl or just start doing cardio prior do starting the Clenbutaxyl? i do play basketball once a week which is really hard non-stop exercise for like 20 minutes, but i don't know if thats enough.

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the cycle you found is ok, to low dosed for me but it should be ok for you.

about cardio, i don't know what your goal is but if you want to get lean and don't wnat to loose any muscle you should do a high protein 1,5/2g*lbs of body weight, carbs 0,5g*lbs fat, 0,2g*lbs and yes you'd do cardio then too. If your above 10% bf the best you can do is 1 cardio session of 40 minutes each day. Do the cardio with a low intensity cause your heartrate will go up immediately on the clenbuterol

now start your cycle



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Vince, what do u mean by low intensity, lets say on the stationary bike?

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I mean by low intensity not to go to the maximum, but do your normal cardio e.g before your cycle you walked 6 miles in 45 minutes and your heartrate was approx. 140bpm , if you do exactly the same no matter what the clen will raise your heartrate, the 110-145bpm is the fatburning area and the main reason for taking clen is to reduce your fat and keep your muscleweight.

So actually what I mean is that you have to find out yourself when your heartbeat is approx. 140bpm , if that contains 5 miles or 7 miles in 45 minutes doesn't matter. But lower your cardio intensity by 10-15% when your on clenbuterol

got the point?

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Yes thank you
