got a freind that is goin to try and shave some stomach fat and keep his strength with :
50mgWinni/ED- wks 1-6
and he has superclen,but how should he run it??
Hes a naturally huge beast that has never taken shit..hes not very fat,just a 6 foot thick beast,with no cuts or definition.
first he has to eat right, tell him to quit eatin pizza four times a week and drinking beer all the time, run, run, and oh yeah, run some more, damn fat ass linemen...played 1aa so i know about those guys...anyway, tell him to get some more winny because that should work pretty good, if he's naturally fat..well big boned...soft ass' not gonna get all lean and cut so tell him not to get his hopes too high, but he should see some improvements...
oh yeah...tell him to take a little test with it..probably some prop
that sounds good guys. also,how much weight do u think he will lose?? and how much stronger will he get off the winny?,hes never taken anything before..
thanks bros
clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off
winny is good
diet is key