I have a friend who is a girl that is trying to add some muscle(not get huge at all), while she loses some more bf. She eats clean, and does cardio 4x week for 40 minutes. SHe also lifts some weights 2-3 x weekly. SHe asked me if there was anything she could take, and I was thinking about Anavar. So what do you guys think, or what else would you suggest. I also thought of a t-3/clen cycle.
Thanks for any input
anavar would hit a girl up nice at like 15-25 mgs a day...i got this girlie girl that has a nice bod...but if she just toned up a lil bit she would have a sick ass body... i would love to get her on some Winnie tabs at like 25 mgs a day for 6 wks ....clen i think would be ruff ...had a boy do that couldnt stand the shakes... id stick w. var or win....or both